Proven to bring on physiologically relaxation, and all you do... is listen
Not being able to relax has got to be one of the worst feelings ever, as your mind runs around in circles, creates anxiety and you start hitting really low points.
Listening to Sound therapy for relaxation, your body starts to heal
itself and restore its chemical balance that impacts upon your emotional and physical health as you become calmer.
The sound therapy technology behind the music drops your brainwaves into alpha/theta to relax your body/mind and all you do is listen.
Benefits of Relaxation
We know we should try and relax each day due to the benefits that we can see, but many of these positives that happen behind the scenes
Some of the major benefits include:
Lowers your blood pressure and slows your heart rate
Reduces activity of stress hormones
Increases blood flow to major muscles
It's all about the innovative sound therapy technology that's behind the music that does all the work. We use the sound therapy for relaxation technology that locks on to the higher brainwaves that are in the Beta/Stressed range, then gently en-train the brainwaves to drop into alpha then theta and eventually deep delta.
Your state will fluctuate between alpha, theta, delta however, the aim is to move the brain from the conscious overthinking Beta state which the relaxation products do really effectively and leave you feeling relaxed and calm.
I personally listen to the Mind Relax through a sound pillow to sooth away any of the days over thinking, that then gives me a good nights sleep. I also listen during the day on my phone when I just need a couple of minutes to chill and recharge my energy levels.
In the sound therapy for relaxation range the Mind Relax took over 2 years to put together and it is used extensively in schools and colleges as well as plenty of homes to bring about a state of calm. The sound therapy for relaxation series helps with anxiety, panic attacks and sleep problems, it truly is sound therapy for relaxation.
Well, my kids were playing up and I was on the edge. I put the sound therapy music on and thought I would try it. To my amazement I could feel the effects straight away. The kids calmed down, I calmed down and it continues to work. I now want one for my brother. So many thanks
Parent from Hull
I've been using mind relax almost daily during the last few weeks and this has been a major help in keeping stress to manageable proportions. The effect is amazing, producing a really deep level of relaxation and a warm glow in my feet that keeps me going all day. What an amazing experience!!
From Liverpool
Good relaxation always starts with focusing on your breathing. The way to do it is to breathe in and out slowly and in a regular rhythm as this will help you to calm down.
Fill up the whole of your lungs with air, without forcing. Imagine you're filling up a bottle, so that your lungs fill from the bottom.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Breathe in slowly and regularly counting from one to five (don’t worry if you can’t reach five at first).
Then let the breath escape slowly, counting from one to five.
Keep doing this until you feel calm. Breathe without pausing or holding your breath.
Practice this relaxed breathing for three to five minutes, two to three times a day (or whenever you feel stressed).
For each exercise, hold the stretch for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat it a couple of times. It’s useful to keep to the same order as you work through the muscle groups:
Face: push the eyebrows together, as though frowning, then release.
Neck: gently tilt the head forwards, pushing chin down towards chest, then slowly lift again.
Shoulders: pull them up towards the ears (shrug), then relax them down towards the feet.
Chest: breathe slowly and deeply into the diaphragm (below your bottom rib) so that you're using the whole of the lungs. Then breathe slowly out, allowing the belly to deflate as all the air is exhaled.
Arms: stretch the arms away from the body, reach, then relax.
Legs: push the toes away from the body, then pull them towards body, then relax.
Wrists and hands: stretch the wrist by pulling the hand up towards you, and stretch out the fingers and thumbs, then relax.