With thousands of sound related studies to back it up
Although we were aware of current sound therapy research, we were also curious about how the "Sound Therapy Listening Program" would fare in a scientific testing environment.
We knew through subjective observation that the program
was having some really positive results, with learning, memory and behavioral challenges. but we also wondered if it was due to the placebo effect.
When the
CDR research confirmed our observations, we now know for sure that we are making a positive difference to peoples lives.
The results were both startling and reassuring: Used just 10 minutes a day, the sound therapy improved short-term (also know as “working”) memory by an average of 46% in 73% of our test group.
You have to admit, those are pretty astonishing numbers! For nearly three-quarters of the group, memory improved by nearly half!
The research was conducted by Cognitive Drug Research, a top UK and international cognitive testing and research company.
At the same time the innovative school were researching the Heart Math, heart focused techniques and testing out other interventions for students along with emotional intelligence.
Users listened to the sound therapy each weekday for five weeks. They listened for 10 minutes a day, first thing in the morning. Subjects were given tasks involving short term/working memory and tested on their ability to recall.
Students were also monitored for behavioural problems, literacy and general improvements in confidence.
The research showed that 73% of users improved working memory by an average of 46%. Students were also monitored for behavioural problems, reading and writing plus general subjective improvements in confidence all of which improved.
Every student with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia or dyspraxia improved significantly.
It should be noted that only the first three levels of the program were used in the research studies.
There are five available
levels, so the implications are that
the numbers showing improvement and the degree of improvement, could
conceivably have been higher, if we had used all five levels of the program.
We were very fortunate to have a first class SEN department at Mosslands School, Wirral. They were way ahead of most schools in the UK with their innovative approach to student and teacher well-being.
Research is not only costly but time consuming, so although we would love to do a lot more, it really isn't practical.
There are thousands of research papers on sound therapy... ranging from sound therapy for learning, sound therapy for relaxation to sound therapy for breaking up kidney stones.
With So Much Independent Research and Positive Benefits... Why is Sound Therapy Not Fully Mainstream Yet?
Good question! Actually, Sound Therapy is used in the mainstream, but only within a few areas that include: Ultra-sonics "lithotripsy" used to break up kidney stones, Sonography, often referred to as a scan and Tuning forks used in bone conduction and hearing.
It's no secret that "Big Pharma" companies don't fund research in Sound and Light Therapy for common solutions to everyday problems, such as lack of sleep.... They prescribe sleeping pills instead! Anxiety and Depression.... They prescribe anti-depressants instead! ADD/ADHD.... They often give the children medication, such as Ritalin! See the pattern emerging "Cha Ching"
For more sound therapy research click here
Sound Shatters A Glass
Powder On A Vibration Plate
Neurons Firing In A Mouse Brain
As you can see in the video of the breaking glass below, once a frequency reaches what is called a "resonant/sympathetic frequency" with an object such as the glass in the example, you see once it hits the resonant frequency the glass smashes. Now imagine all illnesses having specific frequencies and you get a sense of how powerful the application of sound and frequency is...
This is the principal of the how kidney stones can be treated with lithotripsy... as a laser hits the resonant frequency of the kidney stones it smashes them up ready to be drained from the system.
Powder is being put onto a black vibrating plate, then a tone/frequency generator is used to change the frequency that the plate is vibrating at.
will note as the frequency is changing it effects the pattern that the
frequency is creating, which also changes. You will also see that as the
frequency increases then the patterns that are created become more
This demonstrates how 3D structures are held together with multiple
frequencies that makes you think about your own bodies and their relation
to frequency.
Sound CREATES Matter
Quantum Physics shows us that everything is composed of patterns of unseen vibrations and frequencies, and they’re constantly changing.
While your body appears solid, it’s actually composed of moving vibrations (frequencies)
that are unseen to the naked eye. So since everything is in a constant
state of movement, the potential to change and heal is always available
by employing specific frequencies and sounds. This movement and change
within the brain is called neuro-plasticity and relates to the saying "neurons that fire together wire together".
just like to say thanks for reading and I hope you get some insights into sound therapy by
going around the site. We're always interested in your feedback, so
thanks again. If it's night time, then have a great night. If it's
daytime, have a great day. Jeff