What is Sound Therapy We Hear People Ask... It's Already
Used In The Mainstream And Is the healing of the future

Ever Had Ultra-Sonics, Music that Energised Or Relaxed You... That's Sound Therapy

Are you curious... In the audio explanation, Jeff Moran answers the question "what is sound therapy" and its effects upon our physical, emotional and mental well being in a down to earth way.

He takes away any notion that the use of sound in a healing capacity is quackery. In fact you will realise that it's more like the future of health, without today's cronic side effects.

What is sound therapy

If you still have any questions about what sound therapy is and how it can benefit you, then please get in touch here

Sound Therapy used in Mainstream Medicine?

Tuning Forks

Used for many years in bone conduction, reflex testing and hearing.


Used in bone stimulation, soft tissue healing and to disperse kidney stones


Uses high frequency to produce visual images of organs and blood flow in the body

So as you can see, Sound Therapy is not a new quirky therapeutic modality. If you take a look at the sound therapy research page, you will see that there are lots of research papers on the effect that sound and music have upon concentration, focus, behavior, the brain, co-ordination and our emotional and physical states.

Sound Therapy in Nature

I guess we all know that sound and music effects us in various ways that certainly has an impact upon the way in which we feel, both mentally and emotionally. In a negative way certain sounds like a dentists drill, a police siren or a sudden unexpected noise in the night may make us feel stressed, anxious or angry.

However, on a positive note you hear the laughter of a young child, a bird song in the morning, the bell that ends a boring lesson. Or maybe your relaxed on the beach listening to the sound of the waves breaking upon the shore. These sounds that can have a really positive effect upon your emotions, as you relax and your physiology starts to produce more of the happy hormones, serotonin and dopamine.

Sound Therapy in nature
Negative effects of sound

How Some Sounds Hold Us In Tension

We have all experienced some negative aspects of sound in our daily lives. You may walk past a building site and hear the jackhammer pounding and want to cover your ears. It may be a siren that's going off, a dog barking furiously or a room with noisy air conditioning. However, remember, when it's turned off your whole body feels like it's been holding onto tension and you instantly feel better or give a sigh of relief. When we hold the body in these tense states it has a negative effect upon the way in which we feel as stress hormones are created and flood into our bodies weakening our immune systems.

Sound Has An Effect Upon Our Body and Mind?

Well, it's based upon the knowledge that everything is created through patterns of frequency which include our physical bodies, mental thoughts, and our emotional feelings. They're all in a constant state of vibration although the physical body appears to be solid quantum physics has now proven to us that it's actually in a state of movement and therefore can be influenced by sound.

Because we are made up of frequencies, research has shown that when we are missing a certain range of light frequencies, it can lead to “Seasonal Affective Disorder” SAD and is linked to reduced exposure to sunlight during the shorter days of the year.

Now, what is interesting is that the same thing happens with sound as with light because it's all frequency. When we are missing certain tones and frequencies within our energetic system, then we don't feel as healthy and balanced as we naturally should do and where sound therapy can help by delivering those missing frequencies back into the body.

In essence “Sound and light frequencies act like vitamins and minerals in the body, so the body needs a full spectrum of frequencies to stay fit and healthy”.    

What is sound therapy

To Read More About The Body As Frequency

The Body's Symphony of Sound and Vibration

Part 1

by Patricia Spadaro

What really makes us tick? How do we know?
And what are the implications for our health?

From molecular science to string theory, modern researchers are proving what ancient sages have taught for millennia—that our body responds to vibration and that the trillions of cells inside of us form one grand symphony of sound...

One of the most intriguing roads that leads us into the world of vibration—and there are many—emerges from the leading edge of physics, where scientists are still debating what the world is really made of at the most fundamental level. Greek philosophers over two thousand years ago proposed that the basic, indivisible unit of matter was the atom (a word derived from atomon, meaning “that which cannot be divided”). The idea was revived in the eighteenth century. By the 1930s, physicists had discovered that the “atom” could be broken down into smaller components—a nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons, orbited by electrons.

In the 1960s, physicists uncovered still smaller units—dubbed “quarks” and “leptons”—that make up all particles of matter. But in the last several decades, some physicists have claimed that there is yet another layer of the onion to peel off, and that under it, at the very core, lie the real building blocks of matter—strings of energy.

The Wild West of Physics Gets to the Heart of Matter:
Vibrating Strings of Energy

Before the birth of atoms, before protons, neutrons and electrons, there is…the vibrating string of energy. This theory, popularly known as string theory or superstring theory, is one of the newest upstarts in science. It was first introduced in the late 1960s and is now a popular field of study. Called by some the Wild West of physics, string theory claims that everything in our universe, from the planets swirling through space to the tiniest subatomic particle, is at its most basic level made up of microscopic strands of energy. This conclusion has important implications for our understanding of why energy, sound and vibration are at the frontier of progress in many fields, including the healing arts.

What do scientists mean by “strings” of energy and what do they look like? Through complex mathematical formulas, physicists theorize that these fundamental strings are incredibly tiny, thin and elastic, like a rubber band. To give you an idea of the size of a string, it is estimated to be about 1033 centimeters, which is about a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. These strings can take the form of a loop with a closed end or a strand with open ends. They can twist and wiggle. They can merge with each other and they can break apart.

If everything is made up of these basic strings, what is it that makes one particle of matter or one object different from another? It’s all in the way the string vibrates, say physicists.

Think of it like this: the basic “stuff” from which everything else is made is like a guitar string. Depending on how we pluck a guitar string, we will hear different notes, or frequencies. According to string theory, the vibrating strings that form the fabric of all matter also produce a number of different notes. But in the microscopic world, these “notes” are various subatomic particles. Which notes (or kinds of particles) we get depends on how the string moves and how much energy accompanies the vibration.

For example, a string that vibrates one way is what we call an electron with its specific properties of mass and charge. Another string vibrates in a way that is characteristic of a photon, the particle that makes up light. In addition, the four forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces) can also be explained by the particular pattern of a string’s vibration.

In other words, if we go to the deepest and most indivisible level of matter, we find patterns of vibration, and the vibrational pattern is what gives a particle its specific properties. As physicist Brian Greene explains, all the different properties of the particles that make up matter are “the manifestation of one and the same physical feature: the resonant patterns of vibration—the music, so to speak—of fundamental loops of string.1

The amazingly versatility and flexibility of the string—that is, its ability to give birth to all the variegated phenomena in the universe—is what makes string theory such a good candidate for what physicists call the Theory of Everything (or T.O.E.).

Simplifying the Laws of the Universe:
Is Vibration the Key?

Scientists have always had a deep yearning to find the theory that will tie together everything we know about the universe. This is one of the reasons why Isaac Newton’s discovery in the 1600s of the universal principle of gravitation generated such excitement. With one stroke, Newton unified heaven and earth by explaining that the same force (gravity) that makes an apple drop also holds the planets in orbit around the sun.

Two centuries later, in the 1860s, James Clerk Maxwell developed four simple mathematical equations that united the concepts of electricity and magnetism by showing their inseparable relationship. He also united our ideas of light and the electromagnetic force by proposing that light was just one part of a larger spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. We now know that light—including infrared (not visible to humans), visible and ultraviolet light—as well as other waves, such as radio waves and gamma waves, are all created by the same phenomena, the interplay of electricity and magnetism. Maxwell’s breakthroughs formed the basis not only of modern electronics but the revolution in physics known as quantum mechanics.

Albert Einstein also had an intense yearning to unify and simplify. He spent the last three decades of his life searching for the missing element that would tie together our understanding of electromagnetism and the forces of gravity. For a time, Einstein seemed to be alone in his quest. As he focused his attention on the big picture, others were captivated by the increasingly smaller realm inside the atom.

Einstein never fulfilled that dream, and as the years passed, the need for unification only became greater as a growing conflict lurked in the background of science—a conundrum that still leaves physicists scratching their heads. As Brian Greene describes in The Elegant Universe, at the root of this dilemma is a discrepancy between Einstein’s theory of relativity (which revised our understanding of gravity and which works well to describe what happens in the world of the large) and quantum theory (which works well in the subatomic world of the very small). But when you put the two together, they just don’t jibe. In other words, if both the theory of relativity and quantum theory are valid “laws” that govern the universe, they both need to work all the time—and they need to work together. Without delving into the complex mathematical and conceptual ideas behind this, it’s as if there are two alternate versions of how our universe operates. Or we haven’t yet discovered the link in the chain that connects both theories.

Today some are heralding string theory as a possible solution to the dilemma, the answer Einstein was looking for. “String theory,” says Greene, “has the potential to show that all of the wondrous happenings in the universe—from the frantic dance of subatomic quarks to the stately waltz of orbiting binary stars, from the primordial fireball of the big bang to the majestic swirl of heavenly galaxies—are reflections of one grand physical principle, one master equation."2

Scientists refer to this master equation as a “unified theory.” When physicists invoke the word unified, what they are really talking about is the drive to simplify and to harmonize. Both philosophers and scientists will agree that the most important laws of life are, in the final analysis, the most simple. The greatest theory of all would be the one that reduces all that we know about nature and the universe into less (and more simple) principles, perhaps even one principle that would neatly tie everything together. Is string theory—with its oscillating strings of energy as the common denominator—the Theory of Everything? Not everyone agrees it is. Yet there is intense interest in the field, and it is one of the most active areas of theoretical physics, with many well-respected physicists (and billion-dollar particle accelerators) devoted to proving its validity.

String Theory, Pythagoras and Vibrational Medicine:
Sharing Principles of Vibration and Energy Flow

Beyond the intricate meanderings of physicists, why should we care about string theory or vibration? Does the idea of vibrating energy have anything to do with our everyday life? More and more researchers, health care practitioners and futurists and are answering with a resounding yes.

If it’s true that all matter is composed of vibrating strands of energy, so are we. In this scenario, the body itself is literally a symphony of strings. Our cells, organs and tissues vibrate. Billions upon billions of frequencies interact with each other and resonate within us. Just as importantly, those vibrations constantly interact with what's happening in our environment.

In short, in a world where vibration reigns supreme, the sounds and vibrations that fill the world outside of us can influence and change the vibrations inside of us, affecting our health and well being for better or for worse. The converse would also be true—the vibrations emanating from inside of us affect and change what takes place in the environment outside of us.

Of course, string theory is by no means the origin of such ideas. It is only a very recent adjunct to powerful and long-held principles that have been around for millennia. The principles of vibration and energy flow—and the idea that sound can influence our health—were espoused long ago by ancient sages of many cultures, East and West. To name just a few, Hermetic philosophers taught that one of the seven major principles we should live by is the principle of vibration: everything is in motion and everything vibrates. Chinese healers (and modern acupuncturists) seek to restore the flow of energy (or chi) through the body’s meridians. In the Chinese system, particular healing sounds are associated with one of the five organ systems of the body and can help balance the body and emotions. Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish sages taught that sound, in the form of specific mantras, divine names and prayers, can bring about a host of powerful effects, both external and internal.

Pythagoras is said to have used music to heal the body and the emotions. Through his study of vibrating strings, Pythagoras discovered the relationship between tone and the ratio of the strings. He believed that the essence and relationship of all things could be expressed through numbers. The great philosopher also taught about the “music of the spheres.” Pythagoras said that the movement, rhythm and vibration of every atom as well as every celestial body produce a particular sound.

The concepts of vibrating energy that are behind modern string theory and ancient traditions also underlie what is known today as energy medicine or vibrational medicine. Dr. Richard Gerber in his landmark book Vibrational Medicine defines vibrational medicine as “medicine that is directed toward an understanding of energy and vibration, and how they interact with molecular structure and organismic balance.3

Read Part 2 >>

Copyright © 2004. Patricia R. Spadaro. All Rights Reserved.


1. Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory ( New York: Vintage Books, 2003), pp.15-16.

2. Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe, p. 5.

3. Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine, 3d ed. ( Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company, 2001), p. 65.

Originally published at: www.cymatherapy.com
Copyright © Patricia R. Spadaro.

Brain Hemisphere Synchronization

This is one of the main areas that we focus our work in schools and with private clients. If you look at ADD/ADHD we often need to bring the brainwaves down naturally with the sound therapy listening program levels. The aim being to help focus and calm the kids and adults who have this "condition".

Dyslexia and especially dyspraxia is often about exercising the two hemispheres of the brain, therefore bringing about hemisphere syncronisation and improving co-ordination, so by using sound therapy we look to improve the brain hemisphere co-ordination especially with the Sound Therapy Listening Program which is designed and to do just that, with really positive results.

Cross hemisphere syncronizationn
Brain Processing Speed

Brain Processing Speed

We use the sound therapy listening program for speeding the brain up or slowing the brain down which can help with brain processing speed disorder or generally aiding the brain to process information quicker.

Within a world of distractions we can use sound therapy to bring about hemisphere synchronization coupled with brainwave entrainment to improve focus and concentration.

In essence, what we're trying to do with sound therapy is to balance the two hemispheres of the brain whilst either speeding the brain up or slowing it down as with ADHD or Dyspraxia as an example of slowing the brain down and cross hemisphere synchronization for co-ordination.

What Is Our Preferred Delivery Method?

Our preferred method to help users is through the Sound Therapy Listening Program.

It can be used to relax the brain therefore bringing the brainwaves down to an alpha/theta state, alpha being the ideal brainwave state used in accelerated learning.

In those states the brain relaxes and the by-product is that  being in alpha can also boost the immune system due to it being a relaxed brainwave state. The program can also take the brain up to levels of beta/gamma which can be used in high level focus. So we assess the user and what the challenges are, then give direction as to what program level we think would be of most benefit to start from.

Brainwave entrainment adhd

So in essence, we look to speed the brain up or slow the brain down, depending on where you are. You might be processing too quick, and there's a lot of confusion and thoughts running around your head, so we need to slow the brain down. You may say there are slower learners and those who are over-processing, so we use brainwave entrainment to bring the brainwaves down in the over-processors and to train the brain to the level where the brain can start to learn a lot more effectively.

We're also looking at crossing the brain hemispheres over, so we've got a part of the program that creates brain hemisphere synchronization, which is great for co-ordination issues, whether that be dyslexia, dyspraxia and other areas that need an improvement in co-ordination. When we cross the hemispheres we look at whole-brain learning and improvements in learning through utilizing the left (logic) and right (creative) side of the brain. But don't forget all the user needs to do is listen and they can use the program whilst doing other activities.

Good To Think About The Power Of Sound From Science

 Sound Shatters A Glass

Powder On A Vibration Plate

Neurons Firing In A Mouse Brain

As you can see in the video of the breaking glass below, once a frequency reaches what is called a "resonant/sympathetic frequency" with an object such as the glass in the example, you see once it hits the resonant frequency the glass smashes. Now imagine all illnesses having specific frequencies and you get a sense of how powerful the application of sound and frequency is...

This is the principal of the how kidney stones can be treated with lithotripsy... as a laser hits the resonant frequency of the kidney stones it smashes them up ready to be drained from the system.

Powder is being put onto a black vibrational plate, then a tone/frequency generator is used to change the frequency that the plate is vibrating at.

You will note as the frequency is changing it effects the pattern that the frequency is creating, which also changes. You will also see that as the frequency increases then the patterns that are created become more complex.

This demonstrates how 3D structures are held together with multiple frequencies that makes you think about your own bodies and their relation to frequency.
Sound CREATES Matter

Quantum Physics shows us that everything is composed of patterns of unseen vibrations and frequencies, and they’re constantly changing.

While your body appears solid, it’s actually composed of moving vibrations (frequencies) that are unseen to the naked eye. So since everything is in a constant state of movement, the potential to change and heal is always available by employing specific frequencies and sounds. This movement and change within the brain is called neuro-plasticity and relates to the saying  "neurons that fire together wire together".

Well Done You Got This Far

If you have read to this point then you might be left with questions, so by all means, whatever question you may have, then get in touch here. Whilst your here check out some of the programs we've got below. The sound therapy that we've got for tinnitus, for short-term memory, for sleep and insomniadyslexia,dyspraxia,auditory processing disorder. There's a whole host of different sound-therapy products there. I'd just like to say thanks for reading and I hope you get some benefit by going around the site. We're always interested in your feedback, so thanks again. If it's night time, then have a great night. If it's daytime, have a great day.


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