It's amazing how much we know about sound  and yet we're only just understanding how it affects us.

The Mystery of 432 hz vs 440 hz and Cymatics

The 432 hz vs 440 hz is an interesting topic to discuss as the the effects upon the mind and body of each frequency. However the idea of "Sound Creates Matter" is a much bigger and exciting proposition when exploring the origins of creation.

In this really well explained TED talk Evan Grant explores the exciting and fascinating world of Cymatics.

Cymatics is the study of visible sound vibration and shows the transformational nature of sound and matter. Sound guides us and shapes us, yet is an intangible force. We can capture sound in the digital realm where we can see waveforms. But, that only gives us a 2D view. The world of Cymatics, however, gives us a different view and provides a major evolution in our understanding of how sound affects all of us. Cymatics gives validity to the fact that everything that we perceive as hard objects, including our bodies, are actually continuously vibrating at their own rates.

The Origins of life and The World Of Cymatics

Taking Evans Grants TED talk to another level In this groundbreaking presentation, acoustic-physics pioneer, John Stuart Reid, discusses abiogenesis, the origin of life, and how it may relate to cymatics.

Filmed in 2019 at the Water Conference, in Bad Soden, Germany, he hypothesizes that the structuring and organizing principle of pre-biotic compounds in the primordial oceans was sound.

In this model, Faraday Wave (cymatic) patterns on the surface of microscopic bubbles were instrumental in creating the first protocols, from which more complex cells evolved.

Watch this fascinating talk now and see how cymatics may have been involved in the origin of life on Earth! Link to the Cymascope here

How sound and intention can effect us (Messages From Water Masaru emoto)

Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water.

We know our thoughts and emotions are powerful electromagnetic forces capable of affecting matter all around us as seen when people pick up our anger or calm.

Dr. Masaru Emoto documented in his book "Messages in Water", his most famous experiment comparing two different water samples. One sample was infused with thoughts of love and happiness and the other thoughts of negativity and hate. The samples were frozen then sliced and photographed.

The resulting visual patterns showed two completely different images, with the love image being a beautiful geometric pattern while the other sample was jagged and random. This certainly shows the power of our intention on matter and how it can affect our environment.

It doesn't take a big leap to think: If the body is made up of mainly water and that water can be influenced by positive or negative sounds and thoughts then the more we are thinking and acting in positive ways, then we should actually feel better within ourselves.

How about taking it further with some mind blowing stuff

Three Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation

The essence of levitation technology is the countervailing of gravity. It is known that an ultrasound  standing wave is capable of suspending small particles at its sound pressure nodes, a method  previously used to levitate lightweight particles, small creatures, and water droplets. The acoustic  axis of the ultrasound beam in previous studies was parallel to the gravitational force, and the  levitated objects were manipulated along the fixed axis (i.e. one-dimensionally) by controlling the  phases or frequencies of bolted Langevin-type transducers.

Yoichi Ochiai / (The University of Tokyo)Takayuki Hoshi /(Nagoya Institute of Technology ) Jun Rekimoto (The University of Tokyo

Rendering Volumetric Haptic Shapes in Mid-Air using Ultrasound

Benjamin Long, Sue Ann Seah, Tom Carter, Sriram Subramanian
(Department of computer science, University of Bristol, UK)

This approach applies the principles of acoustic radiation force, whereby the non-linear effects of sound produce forces on the skin which are strong enough to generate tactile sensations.
This mid-air haptic feedback eliminates the need for any attachment of actuators or contact with physical devices. The user perceives a discernible haptic shape when the corresponding acoustic interference pattern is generated above a precisely controlled two-dimensional phased array of ultrasound transducers.
For more information click here